Draw near to Him, and He WILL draw near to you.

6 February 2015

As the New Year has come and as plans are being prayed about for the next season of my life, I’ve felt the quiet prompting in my heart lately for the need to fast. To be obedient in spending a day, removed of distractions to rest in the Lord’s presence and seek Him. I’ve been praying that on this day, the Lord would meet me. I was expecting him to speak to me, meanwhile battling that seed of doubt that seems ever present. I’m scared to ask specific things of the Lord, in the case that He doesn’t do something and I need to give him an excuse for not following through. That if he didn’t reveal to me anything about what I was praying that it would be ok. So in my slight doubt, yet hopeful spirit, I gathered my Bible and journal, moved a table to my favorite place on the ship; by the potted plants, and outlet for my laptop, and tucked in close to the window that overlooks the dock. And then I saw Lucas. On the dock with his dad. Tears welled in my eyes as I watched them walk around the dock waiting for their outpatient’s appointment. I was reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness. That from day one this little boy grabbed onto my heart. How I was desperate for them to make it to the front of the line and get an appointment at screening. How my heart leapt when they got through the initial screening after waiting all day in the hot sun. How I saw him on the ward when he was admitted for a CT scan. How I cried when I sent them home and had to tell them they should receive a phone call in 2-3 weeks with CT results and a yes or no for surgery and wondered if I would ever see him again. How I prayed desperately for peace for his family as they waited and that the results would be better than they’d expected. How I again couldn’t keep the tears from my eyes when I found out he was back on the ship for surgery! And now I look from my window, down to the dock and see that same little boy, 3 months later from when I first met him and am overwhelmed by how the Lord has carried them through.

I couldn’t keep from running outside and seeing them. So I did. He smiled and waved as I walked up to him while he held his son. I hugged them both in a single hug and he told me that Lucas is doing well. I motioned that I was on the ship and saw him through the window and then had to come down and say hello! I told him that from day 1 I have loved his little boy and have continued praying for him. He lifted Lucas’ shirt to show me that the tumor was gone and the scar is healing so well. His eyes were so full of hope as he talked about how his son was doing. I said “veloma” (goodbye) and returned to my spot by the window. I again saw them on the dock, and for a moment the papa looked up to the ship, as if searching for my window…

I am filled to the brim. This one life has been forever changed. God was faithful to him, and in that, he was faithful to me. To answering my prayers, to showing me his heart for his people. To reminding me that he sees.. That not a single person is unknown by him.

My God is faithful. He’s already met me on this day. When I doubted that he would, he did first thing, in a way I would never have expected. He’s moving in my heart and directing my steps.

I love my Jesus. That if we commit to spending time with him. He WILL meet us..

James 4:8 “Come near to God and he will come near to you”

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