Christmas in Madagascar

I’ve never been out of  Oregon on Christmas..I’ve never been in 85 degree weather on Christmas..and I’ve never been away from my family on Christmas..

But this Christmas will be one that will forever be imprinted on my heart..Instead of Oregon, I’m living in a country that some only dream of ever visiting,  instead of snow and bitter cold, I get palm trees and a nice tan, and instead of my sweet family, I was surrounded by my ship family, and my even sweeter patients.

Although the holiday season brings up the longing to be with family, and in partaking in the traditions that we look forward to all year long, being here was the best gift I could have asked for. Christmas morning I watched my patients’ eyes light up when they were each given a bag full of new clothes, toys, hats and much more. And even more than the tangible gifts they opened that morning, they received something even greater..New hope that comes with new straight legs,  a cleft lip repaired, a nose that hadn’t been there since childhood, a tumor removed.. What a Merry Christmas it was!

Photo Credit Amanda Wilder, Patient Romino wears a santa hat down in the ward.

Romino and his santa hat

One of my favorite moments  this holiday season was singing Carols by Candlelight on our dock. Our patients got some fresh air from the hospital and  joined us and the crew in singing carols. These people have become part of our family and it was such a sweet time singing about the hope for this season.

Photo Credit Deb Louden

Patients and crew singing carols

I am so grateful for the hope that Christmas brings. For the reminder that Jesus fulfills his promises, and for the the excitement that we are not meant for this world, but for heaven.. So often I get caught up in the struggles of life, in the heartbreak of patients’ stories, and in my own past pain, but I was so wonderfully reminded in a podcast the other day that..

“All struggles and pain are real, but they are peripheral to the coming of Jesus Christ”- Bo Stern


This is where my hope stands.

Merry (Late) Christmas from my my side of the world to yours!!


Here’s a few pictures of what Christmas looked like in our home in Madagascar.


Gangway decorated with garland

Winter Wonderland Photo Booth

Photo Booth Fun

Photo Credit Deb Louden

Faly at the Carols by Candlelight service


Loved being a part of leading carols!


Christmas baking


Christmas party with a crackling fireplace and tacky decorations


A Dutch tradition to put your shoes out on Christmas Eve and they are filled with gifts in the morning


Christmas morning (Oregon time) with the family


Gifts and prayer with the girls who have become my family away from home


Christmas brunch


Christmas work attire


One thought on “Christmas in Madagascar

  1. Such a joy to see and read about your wonderful Christmas … may the new year be prosperous and blessed for you all, Heather! Thank you for sharing this!

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